"Becoming a leader is synonymous with becoming oneself. It is precisely that simple, and it's also that difficult." - Warren Bennis
"Leadership is deeply personal and inherently collective. That’s a paradox that effective leaders have to embrace." – Peter Senge
Executive Coaching
Equal parts art and science, one-on-one executive coaching is a powerful tool for leaders to gain clarity and insight about their unique talents and development edges within the specific organizational contexts in which they operate, and to formulate and implement a growth plan. At Septaria, we view coaching as both strategic and personal; our methodology honors the goals of the sponsoring organization while preserving confidentiality and creating a truly supportive and developmental environment for the individual. Executive coaching engagements typically run six months and include a leadership assessment and 360 process, development planning, alignment meetings with key stakeholders, and ongoing coaching sessions to support the implementation of the development plan.
Leadership/Management Coaching
Rooted in the same foundations as executive coaching but structured for greater flexibility and cost effectiveness. Options include:
“Proficient teaming often requires integrating perspectives from a range of disciplines, communicating despite the different mental models that accompany different areas of expertise, and being able to manage the inevitable conflicts that arise when people work together.” –Amy C. Edmondson
"Team coaching is about fostering better teamwork on the task, not about enhancing members’ social interactions or interpersonal relationships." –Richard Hackman
Team Coaching
Effective team functioning is sometimes overlooked as an area of focus for development, yet is increasingly vital to the health of any organization. As companies move further from hierarchical forms of management towards those in which work is more distributed, networked, and carried out in physical-virtual hybrid arrangements, knowing how to create and sustain the conditions for effective teamwork is an important skill.
Far more than an aggregate look at individual team members' styles and personalities, our approach to team coaching builds on conventional team building activities to include a focus on developing skills to deliver in-the-moment feedback and normalize continuous learning about the team's functioning to accomplish goals. We begin with a structured process to collect individual insights from each member of the team and then create a cadence for building shared wisdom. Over time, as the team expands its own awareness, individual and collective capacity increases to the benefit of the entire organization.
"No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it." –Albert Einstein
“The systems view is about being aware of the whole context rather than taking one element out. And therefore, being aware of questions such as: If I change this one piece of the puzzle, how does it impact everything else? You need to look at all the parts to see how they’re interconnected." –Yabome Gilpin-Jackson
At Septaria, we focus on opportunities that lie at the intersection of leadership and organization development. Through strategic program design and expert facilitation, we create experiences that deepen and enhance individual capability while simultaneously focusing collective energy to address critical organizational and business needs from a systems perspective. We are especially adept in supporting clients with culture change, action learning, and organizational alignment initiatives. Each engagement is customized to the client organization and includes mechanisms to ensure that momentum is ongoing and connected with the client's overarching purpose and strategy.
Areas of expertise include:
Our process for ensuring success:
1. Organizational Assessment - we gather pertinent data to understand the current and desired state for the project. This may take the form of stakeholder interviews, review of survey results, or other diagnostics.
2. Creation & Design - through an iterative process and based on the results of phase 1, we partner with you to assemble and refine a clear and focused plan.
3. Delivery - we are your guides and learning partners at each milestone of the journey.
4. Review & Closure - we meet with you to reflect and capture important takeaways and lessons learned.
Please contact us for more detail about how we can help address your specific challenges.